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Lakeside Farms Sucker Rearing Pond and Other Restoration Benefits

Check out this article from Oregon Public Broadcasting that features one of Klamath Watershed Partnership's largest and multi-faceted restoration projects at Lakeside Farms, just north of Klamath Falls on Highway 97. With the help of multiple funding sources including the USFWS, OWEB, and private landowners, the project involved the creation of a wetland that will better allow the farm to control flood irrigation and capture and filter the water before it is released back into Upper Klamath Lake. Another part of the project involved the improvement and creation of two spring fed ponds which are being stocked with endangered suckerfish. The pond will be connected to the main lake through a canal and eventually natural spawning could occur. Additional plantings and the transplanting of Wocus plants in the wetlands will help their function of providing habitat to the endangered fish and other species as well as improving water quality.

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To conserve, enhance and restore the natural resources of the Klamath Basin, while ensuring the long-term sustainability of the regional economy and local communities.


T: 541-850-1717

F: 541-850-8001


205 Riverside Dr., Ste. C

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

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